Thursday, January 10, 2002

Beta Comments from Liz:

For those of you wondering what it's like to get a beta from the irrepressible Liz Logan (because in general, betas aren't laughing matters), here's a sample of her comments re "Verita da Cuore":

I go over the edge of angst; Liz calls me on it:

Seema, I know you've received napkins for being tacky, and now you're receiving a napkin for being cheesy.

I confuse Liz here:

I don't understand what you're talking about. I think if
one of the main crew members died then Janeway would be very upset. Except for Kim. If he died then they'd just get another one.


De-confuse the beta-reader please. It's
fun. We can make it a game.

Here Liz ponders the question we've all been wondering:

She moved on from getting tossed out into the Delta
Quadrant, from various deaths, from her own
death...technically anyhow, and from the multitude of deaths by Harry Kim. Why could she not move on from Seven? Seven wasn't even Janeway's wife. :::looks at that sentence and simply decides to leave it alone:::


Someone linked here from my high school alum page. I'm actually a little freaked by that. I don't know what I was thinking when I listed myself in those pages. Actually I do - I was on the prowl for certain people whom I desperately wanted to get into contact with. At this point, I've given up on ever hearing from them and have to assure myself that I did extend the olive branch and they chose not to accept it. Time to move on.

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