Friday, July 12, 2002

And the results are...

What's the first fandom you wrote fic for?


What's the most recent fandom that you've written fic for?

Hmmm... this is hard, because I've got "LA Law," DS9 and VOY going all at the same time. And none of them are finished currently. And the last finished fic I did was "Touch," a crossover between TNG and DS9.

What's the title of your first fanfic?

I'm going to go with "A Quiet Evening at Home." I can never really remember, but I think I finished "Aftermath" in the summer of '98, and I remember sending "A Quiet Evening at Home" to Ginomo under my pseudonym for hosting on her site - it's the only fic, I think, that was hosted on someone else's site exclusively, before I got around to creating my own.

Does it suck beyond the telling of it?

Not especially, but it's not really note-worthy either. It's just like any other story. I don't think it's memorable at all - rather dull, actually.

Is it slash or het?

Gen, but het.

What was your first 'ship?

Michael and Grace, "LA Law."

Or do you mean that I read/write fanfic for?

Worf/Dax - DS9.

What's your fave 'ship now?

It fluctuates. Liz just wrote a sweet little W/D piece which made me all happy the other day. And I always love P/T. So either of those, but if I had to pick, I'll go with P/T, just because there is so little of it these days and I want people to write more of it, dang it!

What 'ship makes your eyes bleed and your loins turn into monkey guts?

Jadzia/Julian. Blech.

What is your most common fic pairing?

Hard to say. Right now, it'd be a toss-up between W/D and P/T. But I'm encourageable - I'd think I'd pair almost anyone together at this point. Keeps things more interesting.

What pairing did you swear that you'd never write, but eventually did?

J/C. ::glares at Rocky::

What pairing do you swear you will never, ever write?

Neelix and Kes.

What's the wackiest fanfic situation you've put the characters in?

That would be Someone to Watch Over Me where Worf and Dax spend an evening on the holodeck while Vic sings. Just to imagine Worf in a tux ("Our Man Bashir," excepted) and dancing is truly... well, wacky. Not to mention, " When on Risa... for pure silliness - really, a checkerboard?

Then there are the two "Die, Seven, Die!" stories ::glares at Rocky:: - " The Final Straw" in which Seven met her demise at the hands of someone who will remember nameless and then the jello-wrestling situation in " The Fight".

How many times has magick solved/created the main problem/plot in your fics?

Just once. An O'Brien and Keiko story. " A Table for Q."

What pairing do you hate to admit to actually indulging in, against your better judgement?

Hmmm... I'm pretty open about my indulgences. I usually avoid anything I don't like. But when I'm looking for something new, I usually try to find some C/P or J/P.

Can you remember the first fanfic you ever read?

Not especially, as I started lurking at ASC back in '94, when there weren't a whole lot of people there and I had a tempermental newsreader (Tin, anyone?). But the stories that really convinced me to write fanfic were Ginomo's The Points of View Series, which at that time was the defining W/D fic out there.

How long have you been involved in internet fandom(s)?

As a fic writer, since the fall of 1997. As a lurker, as I said before, I hit ASC pretty early, but couldn't enjoy as much given the sad, sad state of the university-provided newsreader.

Ever written a cross over?


Nice Work and Touch. I suppose Table for Q and The Second Element could fit into the crossover category as well, given that the characters are both from DS9 and TNG.

Best crossover fic you've read?

Hmmm... Impress by Kelly. Of course, it's Kelly, so everything she writes is great. Seriously.

What pairing do you want to write, but don't think you could?

Sisko/Dax. Liz has been on my case for this pairing for years now, but I still haven't gotten a story in my head. Pairing, yes, it could make sense, given "Fascination," but I still haven't managed to make it through it.

Your favorite fic you've written?

100 Days, typos and all. I wrote this in a feverish rush in about a week. My arms were literally shaking as I wrote this, just because it insisted on being written. It was a story that just flowed, and to this day, has never been beta'd. It was also the first time I could clearly hear the VOY characters in my head and I could see and feel everything completely. It was definitely a rush and I've never quite had that feeling since.

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