Wherein I accept responsibility for my actions
Jemima blames me for making her rubberneck at the most recent fandom kerfuffles and also here. Liz Barr has a thought or two as well. And because I can't leave a job half-done, here's more to cause fannish traffic battlenecks. At any rate, Jemima's analysis of Trek is right on and I agree with every word. I can't think of anyone in the Trek fandom running around proclaiming hirself a BNF - even those people who have every right to do so. It makes me nervous when people self-proclaim BNFdom and it makes me want to not be a part of the fandom. Some people think it's the slashiness of certain fandoms that scare people away, but I respectfully put forth that I'm a simple Trek minion and it's the BNFs who scare me from venturing too deep into other fandoms. So, don't mind me, I'll be under my bed, stirring up trouble for the rest of the Mod Squad, as best as I can. Because, as you know, it's always my fault.
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