Well, I finally stumbled in at 12:30 last night. The whole project looks dubious, but we think we explained (ah the beauty of language - semantics are wonderful) it and hopefully, there are enough numbers there that these few arbitrary ones - boy, were we arbitrary towards the end - hopefully will slip by without much scrutiny.
Don't try this at home, kids - this is definitely the thing that will land you in hot water with the SEC, not to mention the possibility of prison time (though we're convinced that half of our class will end up in jail for white collar crimes as it is - as my teammate said, we'll have a lot of visiting to do after graduation. Yeah, consider that MBA humor). At any rate, we still believe the Cadbury has a lot of explaining to do and their shareholders probably should take a closer look at those statements - talk about voodoo (if anyone can figure out where the $713 group operating profit on their statement of loss and profit comes from and how it relates to the cash flow, drop me a a line. Where those numbers come from, where they go - boy, the SEC could have fun with these guys. However, it's safe to say at this point, none of us will ever be employed as financial analysts in the future.
Well, that's half of a project down, 4 more to go. I think sleep, at this point, is an unnecessary luxury. I suggested that I stop paying rent and move into the computer lab and one of the 2nd years said he had heard rumors of someone who had done that once. One benefit? Internet access all of the time - talk about feeding the addiction.
BTW, "Fall of Shadows I" is up now at VVS8/a>.
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