Friday, November 09, 2001


Someone has gone and deleted Perfection, the C/7 fanfic index. The index was created in a way that anyone could update the site and add their comments without having to worry about FTP or HTML. And it was very, very cool - but apparently, someone has taken advantage of the 'openness' of wiki and used it against the group. The list moms are working to get the site back up, but it's still infuriating and I feel bad for them. Someone out there evidently has too much time on their hands.

This incident reminds me of the way the DS9 fandom used to be segregated back when I first started writing - W/Ders versus J/Jers, and trust me, it wasn't pretty. In fact, the flame wars were legendary - with rude messages being left in guestbooks and on message boards. I thought it was immature back then, and it's immature now. Okay, fine, you don't like *insert pairing here* but is it really necessary to hack up a website? To leave rude messages in guestbooks? To me, it seems like a waste of energy. Think about how that time could be spent instead - how about writing fic about *your* favorite pairing? Frankly, if I don't like a pairing, I avoid it. No need to spend precious bandwith or online time flaming authors or webmasters.

The last flame war between W/Ders and J/Jers led to the creation of the antiflame petition, which I host on the WDFA. As far as I know, this antiflame petition has kept JEWEL fairly honest and what's more interesting, we have a couple J/Jers who have 'signed' also. Unfortunately, not many people have expressed interest in signing after the initial draft was published and voted on by JEWEL. So, if you're interested in making cyberland a happier place to be, let me know.

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