Response from Evol Very Big Satellite Company
I've lost my permalinks in the blog template update and so you'll have to scroll down to find the initial letter I wrote to Evol Very Big Satellite Company about their sucky service. Anyway, this is their response.
Hello Seema G,
Thank you for your E-mail.
Firstly I would like to apologize for all of the problems you have been having with our services. It is not very common to have so many problems with the analog services(Basic/Basic Plus/Entertainment Plus) and it is very unfortunate that you have had so many troubling experiences with us in the recent past.
Our equipment office at your apartment complex is where we send out the cable feed to your apartment. If something breaks in the equipment office we do have to send a technician out as quickly as possible to inspect and then try to fix the situation. However, depending on what has gone wrong, that technician may not be able to fix the issue immediately. The access card message you received on your screen is an example of something the technician is not always able to fix when he visits the apartment complex.
Usually the equipment has no problems at all and generally we receive very few complaints or phone calls about our analog services, so I again apologize for the problems and hopefully our technicians have resolved the issue and you have no more troubles.
The local channels should not be going out while it is raining outside unless your area receives poor reception and we have your local channels routed digitally through our satellite dish there. We do this in some areas where reception is bad so our customers do not have to watch through "snow" on the local channels. Your area may be such an area if you are getting replace access card messages and the picture is locking up.
The demand for the Entertainment Plus service is very high and most of our properties (and customers) are wanting the service. They are not happy with the Basic Plus service and want more channels, yet do not want to have a cable box installed with a surplus of 100 channels. The Entertainment Plus service is a happy medium between the two. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide the Basic Plus service at the apartments where we have Entertainment Plus. This is due to the fact that analog cables can only have one signal going through them at one time.
When we provide Entertainment Plus service, it is over an analog signal. The Basic service is that same signal. The reason you do not get Entertainment Plus when ordering Basic Plus service is due to a "trap" that we install on the line. That trap is removed only when a customer orders the Entertainment Plus service. We have no traps that can allow only certain channels, just certain frequencies. Entertainment Plus and Basic service are on different frequencies, so the trap will stop Entertainment Plus from coming in when its installed, and when removed allows Entertainment Plus to come in.
That is the long answer on why we cannot provide Basic Plus and Entertainment Plus at the same apartment complex. I hope that in the near future, there is a technology available to us that would allow us to provide multiple types of analog services at the same apartment complex, however right now we are unable to do this unfortunately.
We do value you as a customer with us. Any time you have any troubles with our service, call us at 1-800-555-5555 then dial option 1, option 3, option 4 to reach the repair line. There is usually no hold times past 7pm CST and the repair line is open until 9pm CST. Any customer service representative will be more than glad to credit you for time that your services are down.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to E-mail us back.
Best regards,
Very Big Satellite Television Company
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