Thursday, September 26, 2002

This and That

Just when you thought it was safe to come out, the Magnificent Miss Barr has added another volley to the Blog Wars. Note the new additions. Virgil would be so proud.

The politicos are campaigning hard and fast here. My "favorite" ad accuses his opponent of socialism for not supporting school lunches. ::sigh:: Go forth, my non-minions, and teach the world the proper definitions for political ideology.

Current search: I need to find out about strategic opportunities for ebusiness in the automotive industry, past, present and future (and my favorite business publication, is letting me down. Any of you have ideas of what you'd love to see online re cars that isn't already online? In other words, I need an entirely new technology that runs over the Internet. Either B2B or B2C is fine. Merci.

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