Thursday, August 30, 2001

Truly unbound

My nervous breakdown is scheduled for Monday afternoon for 3:15 pm to 4:35 pm.

My short term memory is deteriorating. I don't see how I can remember dates (historical dates, folks) with no problem, but can't remember a single thing that happened a few minutes ago. Example: Cheile asked me to read a part of her newest fic (quite good, mho) the other night over IM. So I did. We talked about it and of course, I had a comment or two or three. End of conversation. Next day, I ask Che how the fic is going and she makes some comments and I say, "Huh?" Her response? "Let's test Seema's short term memory" and she proceeds to reiterate our conversation from the previous night ending with, "Remember this now?" The worst part of it is that what I'd forgotten was something I'd pointed out to Che myself. Some help I turned out to be. Sorry, Che. Next time I'll do better, 'kay?


Speaking of Che, she introduced a new phrase to my vocabulary: "influenced tryst." Hmm... the possibilities are endless.


Jack Nicholson said it best in Mars Attacks (miserable movie, btw, despite the all-star cast): "Why can't we all just get along?"

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