No one can hear you scream in cyberspace
Every now and then you come across a person online and you just wonder what they are like in Real Life (tm). Every now and then I read a post or an exchange between individuals and think, "I hope I never ever in 80 gazillion years ever run into this guy in a well lit alley, let alone a dark one." It's not secret the relative anonymity of online life -- the fact you can choose what other people know about you and hide other facts -- has people acting in ways they wouldn't otherwise. Of course, when you see obnoxious or rude behavior online, you have to wonder what that person really is like.
I wonder if the person who disparages everything and claims cliquishness online is perhaps insecure and wants to be liked, but puts up a "This is why your [insert noun of choice] sucks" as a defensive mechanism. Or what about the people who go around leaving insulting comments in blogs or on forums? In Real Life, are they the quiet and shy type, the type who just really want to have their say but can't summon up the courage? Some people might be just as bold in RL as they are online, but more often I think it's a case of projection -- "This is who I want to be, this is what I want to say, and since no one knows who I am, and no can stop me, I'm going to be as obnoxious as possible."
ps. Hi Dave!
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