Wednesday, January 17, 2001

A recent conversation with a friend reminded me how terrible high school and middle school really is. It's been a while, but I still remember how evil people could be during those years. I don't think anyone means to be evil, we simply don't realize how insensitive we're being. Or maybe we do - which makes it infinitely worse. So then, my friend and I moved on to the topic of high school reunions. Who goes to those things anyway? The only reason I can think of going is so I can compare my life to everyone else's and maybe gloat a bit - which is extremely petty, immature and incredibly high school. But then, who are we foolin' anyway? Who goes to high school reunions to catch up things gone past and trade recipes anyway? Most of us - let's be frank - only care about how much better we are doing in our lives or secretly crow about how we're looking so much better than a fellow classmate. During this conversation with my friend, I realized that college is filled with people who hated high school. So what's up with that? Is there anyone out there who really liked high school? And I figure, we all hated it because of the evilness factor. And if that's true, then why were we so evil to each other?

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